Education for Sustainable Development Grant Award

Our school has been successful in applying for an Education for Sustainable Development grant from the Department of Education.

The grant award of €2,500 will go towards training for our 5th class students, who run our Gugalaí Gug Egg Company. The students care for the hens, clean out their henhouse, collect eggs, clean and sort them, take orders for eggs and distribute them to families in the school. The business has been running for over seven years now.

There are many aspects of the programme that tie in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including Good Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3), Quality Education (SDG 4), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), Climate Action (SDG 13) and Life on Land (SDG 15).

We hope to use the grant money to get more training for the class to learn about the hens, managing them and using eggs as part of a healthy diet.