Relationships and Sexuality Education

The Relationship and Sexuality Education programme is taught to pupils in all classes, beginning in January each year. A letter to parents goes home on the first week that the programme is being taught, outlining the content of the programme. The sixth class programme is covered as part of the Preparation for Life Day, which takes place in the 2nd term each year. Its exact date is notified to parents in advance each year.

The following are the home link pages at each class level around the themes of Growing and Changing and New Life which may be of use to parents to initiate discussion with their children during or after the programme.

A link to read or download the lessons at each class level is available here

Junior and Senior Infants

Caring For New Life Home School Links (p 145) -I- My Body Home School Links (p 156)

First and Second Class

The Wonder of New Life (p 160)

Third and Fourth Class

The Wonder of New Life Home School Links (p 181) -I- Growing and Changing (p 204-205)

Fifth Class

Growing and Changing Home School Links (p 92) -I- >Caring For new Life Home School Links (p 112)

Sixth Class

The programme is covered as part of the Preparation for Life Day held in the 2nd term each year. As well as the links for 5th class, the following pages will be of use:

Growing and Changing (p 197) -I- A Baby Is a Miracle (p 219)

(Note: is not responsible for the maintenance of any external links.)