Student wellbeing is at the centre of everything that goes on in St. Patrick’s National School. If children don’t feel well, they cannot learn and thrive properly.
The Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice 2018-2023 states that wellbeing is present when a person realises their potential, is resilient in dealing with the normal stresses of their life, takes care of their physical wellbeing and has a sense of purpose, connection and belonging to a wider community. It is a fluid way of being and needs nurturing throughout life.
Our school has a current draft Wellbeing Framework Policy Statement and Framework for Practice in place and we have consulted with our students in creating it. We take a whole school preventative approach to student wellbeing and our starting point is safety, security and routines for each child. We also develop social and emotional competence and coping skills for every child through the curriculum and additional activities.
St. Patrick’s NationalSchool also has a wellbeing committee in the school, made up of students indifferent classes. They co-ordinate a number of initiatives, including student shout outs each week.