St Patrick's National School News
The senior boys' and girls' gaelic football teams have finished their competitions for 2024. Both teams performed well in their...
One boy and one girl from each class from second to sixth was drawn out last week to visit Newgrange...
[video width="636" height="360" mp4=""][/video] The Erasmus Outdoor Learning and Risky Play project involving our school and schools in the Czech...
In January of this year, the Department of Education published guidelines to support parents and parent associations who wish to...
St. Patrick's National School has been invited into the GLOBE air quality study for the second year in a row....
Outdoor learning and risky play is back for our new school year. Children in junior infants, senior infants and first...
September assembly took place this month. It was hosted by a pupil from every class. This month we had a...
We have just bought a wormery for our school. Already we reduce green food waste in classrooms by feeding it...
Our junior infants, accompanied by Ms. Murphy, Mrs. Greene and Liane, went on a tour of St. Patrick's National School...
It was a great week for outdoor play this week in St. Patrick's National School. The pitch is in use...
A lot of work has taken place this summer in our school. The wall outside the school has been rebuilt....
We are back with our hen project for 2024-2025, the 9th year we have had hens in our school. This...
Senior classes have been using our Lego Spike Kits, which we bought thanks to a grant from Meta. The kits...
A big welcome to our new junior infants who have survived their first full week in St. Patrick's National School!...
A warm welcome back for our new school year 2024/2025, which starts this Thursday the 29th of August at 9.20am...
Irene Meehan, who has been a Special Educational Needs Assistant in St. Patrick's National School for seven years, retires at...
We were lucky at our June assembly to say goodbye to Noel Hussey, who has driven Derek Bowhan's bus coach...
St. Patrick's National School hosted an open day for parents and the wider community in June to demonstrate the outdoor...
Pupils from St. Patrick's N.S., accompanied by Ms. McCabe, Mrs. Goulding and Mr. Ó Braonáin, travelled to Claremont stadium in...
St. Patrick's National School boys' GAA team took part in a very successfully run GAA blitz in Simonstown GAA club...
6th class pupils were invited to Microsoft head office recently to showcase projects following their participation in the Microsoft Dream...
Our 6th class pupils had their final day in St. Patrick's N.S. on Tuesday the 25th of June. Family members,...
Our Special Educational Needs Assistant, Niamh, coaches with her club, St. Vincent's Ardcath. Recently, she had to put her loyalty...
Last week was jam packed with activities for Active School and Wellbeing Week, including sports day on the Tuesday. There...
We have accumulated a large number of school tracksuit tops with no names on them. Mr. O'Donnell is now operating...
Second class did a great job hosting our May assembly this week. It was jam packed with birthdays, gaeilgeoirí na...
Fourth class were out at the front of the school this week sketching wildflowers, as a follow up to our...
Another Slane National School Parent's Association 5K took place on Sunday the 26th of May, 2024. The rain gods held...
Sixth class pupils chose to reinvest their profit from the egg business last year in a set of novels for...
First class were busy today potting on sunflowers that had become too big for their pots. They added some more...
The updated school calendar for May and June is available here. We have a busy few weeks ahead!  
Outdoor learning and play has been a part of school life in St. Patrick's N.S. for the last few years....
There are only three weeks to go to the annual St. patrick's N.S. Parent's Association Slane Castle 5K run. The...
Hot school meals continue to be very popular in St. Patrick's National School. There does not seem to be one...
Ms. Collins captured a beautiful moment with two pupils while the infants were engaged in their play outdoors last week.
Ms. McCabe's first class hosted assembly at the end of April and they did a super job! The pupils were...
Fourth class had three lessons in one last week as part of their Erasmus outdoor learning project. The class were...
First and fourth classes were lucky to have a pollination workshop with Edel Heeran this week. Edel is a beekeeper...
Many thanks to Andy McGuinniety for all his soccer coaching with our junior infants. They have really enjoyed the block...
A huge thank you to all those who donated clothes for the recent Parent's Association fundraising drive. A whopping 1.250...
The hot school meal scheme started this week in St. Patrick's N.S. and seems to have got off to a...
Earlier this spring we cleaned out our pond. It was full of plants and their roots so frogs had stopped...
6th class were busy this month creating volcanoes from a range of materials as part of work on this topic....
4th class were busy in the school garden this month starting to plant vegetables. We planted potatoes, carrots and lettuce....
You may be wondering how the hot school meals programme will work in our school so this is a quick...
Fourth class pupils walked up to Stanley Hill behind our school last week. The trip came after the class had...
Some of our pupils had a treat with Ms. Coyle by getting the chance to bake Easter chocolate nests with...
A sincere thank you to all the pupils and parents who have contributed to our Bus, Bike or Walk on...
6th class pupils made their confirmation in St. Patrick's Church, Slane this week. The ceremony was celebrated by Bishop Tom...
Bhí lá glas iontach againn i rith na seachtaine seo. Tháinig gach páiste amach ar an gclós don céilí mór....
We had two boys' teams in the FAI 5 a side soccer tournament in the MDL in March. Both teams...
The Book Fair is back for 2024! We had a jam packed day in the hall today with the arrival...
St. Patrick's National School boys' and girls' teams both travelled together for the divisional mini sevens day in Seneschalstown GFC....
We had a jam packed February assembly hosted by Mr. Dineen's 3rd class. Pupils told us the news for the...
Every year, the 5th class pupils in our school look after our school hens and the "Gugalaí Gug" egg company,...
Pupils in some of our classes were very busy making pancakes on Pancake Tuesday. The outdoor classroom got great use...
St. Patrick's National School's Bus, Bike or Walk on Wednesdays (BOWOW) is back for spring 2024. Each Wednesday starting next...
The Board of Management of St. Patrick's N.S. has submitted an observation document to An Bord Pleanala in relation to...
Many thanks to Slane Wanderers who organised soccer coaching for pupils from junior infants to first class over the last...
Congratulations to KS who was the lucky winner of the Parent's Association raffle today in school. The jersey is framed...
It was a busy day in St. Patrick's National School on St. Brigid's Day. Many children brought rushes to school...
The Relationships and Sexuality Programme is being delivered in all classes this term as part of the Social, Personal and...
Mr. O'Connor's 3rd class hosted a great assembly in school this week. We had the usual Amhrán na bhFiann, Gaeilgeoirí...
Slane N.S. are taking part in the hot meals scheme later this year. This will mean that every pupil will...
St. Patrick's N.S. had our Grandparent's Day as part of Catholic Schools' Week. It was a great day. Grandparents came...
Many thanks to Slane Credit Union for hosting a great quiz competition in Rathkenny Hall on Sunday the 28th of...
4th classes had a busy SESE lesson this afternoon investigating what lies beneath our school. They traced the sewage, waste...
It was another busy week in St. Patrick's National School 3rd classes had another GAA coaching session with Adam Brodigan...
A new letter has been issued to parents/ guardians of pupils with some important dates for the coming weeks and...
4th classes had a field trip to our local St. Erc's graveyard as part of our SESE theme this month...
School Self-Evaluation (SSE) is designed for schools to have a voice in deciding their priorities for pupil learning. The process...
The pupils had great fun on the senior yard at break time today sleighing with some help from their friends!...
[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] Junior and senior infants had great fun playing outdoors this week with the cold weather!
St. Patrick's N.S. is welcoming new pupils for the next school year, beginning in September 2024. Further details are available...
The 5th class charity single "That's How I know It's Christmas" has been released! A link to the 5th class...
Many thanks to all those who attended our Christmas Carol Services in St. Patrick's Church, Slane on Christmas week. Congratulations...
Many thanks to the many buyers of tickets for the St. Patrick's National School Parents' Association Christmas Draw. Over €6,700...
Pupils from 3rd to 5th class have been taking part in a lunch time gaelic football league for the last...
Our school is engaged in a process called school self-evaluation. It means that our school has a look at what...
5th class and Mr. Fagan travelled to Crookedwood Farm recording studio recently to record their Christmas single "That's How I...
Our quiz season is back for 2023-2024. Senior classes are exercising their heads again to prepare for the Credit Union...
Mr. Ó Braonáin and his 4th class were visited by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) recently to...
Ms. Murphy's senior infant class had a busy day making soup recently in the new outdoor classroom, funded by the...
Fourth classes were out looking for signs of winter last week in the school grounds. They heard rooks, house sparrows...
We were delighted to hear the news that Slane may, at last, get a road bypass. Recently, pupils have been...
It has been a busy term for the school egg company Gugalaí Gug, which is run by 5th class pupils....
Many thanks to Andy McGuinniety for all his soccer coaching with 3rd class pupils this term. The pupils really enjoyed...
Déanaimid plé agus forbairt gach bhliain ar an bplean atá againn an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn sa scoil. Bíonn...
St. Patrick's N.S. has a long tradition of involvement with the Green Schools scheme, run by An Taisce. We have...
A huge thank you to everybody who supported the Parents' Association cake sale fundraiser in school. We had a huge...
We have a busy few weeks ahead on the construction front in the school. In the last few years more...
The title winning Slane GFC men's squad visited the school after their county final win against Moynalty recently. They spoke...
Both our boys' and girls' gaelic football teams have been training and playing already in the 2023-2024 school year. Games...
This is our 7th year with hens and they still keep laying. The pupils formed a company many years ago...
Pupils in 4th class have taken part in a study of nitrogen dioxide levels at the front of our school,...
Hello everyone and welcome back to the start of our new school year 2023-2024. We have a busy year ahead...
Over the final days of term 1, the classes were busy practising for Christmas plays. These all culminated in performances...
Those of you with an eagle eye have no doubt noticed a bit of a dearth of posts on the...
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